Sunday, July 5, 2009

Where did the month of June go?!

Wow! I can't believe it is July! I guess it didn't help that I didn't finish school until June 17. At least I don't go back until September. I am enjoying my summer days with Aubrey! It will be hard to return to work in the makes me a little teary eyed thinking about it.
Aubrey is such a wonderful baby! Phil and I are impressed by how good she is. She sleeps well through the night and during the day while napping. She's also a good eater. The latest fruits and vegetables are plums, papaya, and peas. She seems to love them all!
She has been sitting up on her own for a few weeks now. She hasn't figured out crawling yet, but she can get across a room by rolling. Aubrey loves the dogs and squeals and kicks her legs anytime they enter the room she's in. They are behaving really well around her. They allow her to pet them and pull their hair. They enjoy licking her, which I am not a fan of.
As you can see from the slideshows she is getting bigger. At her 6 month appointment she was about 16 lbs. and 26 inches. She has 6 teeth now, which makes her look so much older. Aubrey is the best teething baby. She popped her top 4 teeth out at the same time!
On Friday, June 19, we started swim lessons at Goldfish Swim School. We're taking the class with two of our other friends. Aubrey is the youngest in the class. Her swim teacher is so impressed. Aubrey loves the water...I think she may be a future swimmer.

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