Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm all ready for my first date! I'm meeting Carson at the mall for lunch. He's 12 days older than me, and he's sooo cute!

Well, it turns out we were a little sleepy...
maybe next time we can play.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

This is my cousin Shea.
He is super smart and loves Bob the Builder.

This is my cousin Silas.
He is super cute and loves John Deere.

This is my new friend Lauren. Isn't she pretty?

Meeting More Family & Making New Friends

On Friday I met my Uncle Scott, Auntie Jen, and two of my cousins. They drove up to visit me. My oldest cousin, Shea, said the trip was terrible, and it seemed like it took 10 hours. His brother, Silas, called me "Baby Aubrey". The boys had a lot of energy (almost as much as my dogs). I can't wait to get bigger to play with them! The boys say they have another brother, Soloman. He didn't make the trip, but I'll meet him in February.

Yesterday my mommy and I went to her friend Aubrey's house...yes, she has the same name as me. She is the first friend my mom met in Michigan, and mommy loved her name. Aubrey has a baby girl too. Her name is Lauren, and she was born just two days after me! We had fun playing together. I hope we get to do that again soon!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

6 Weeks Old

I can't believe Aubrey is already 6 weeks old! She is getting so big! This week we retired her newborn sleepers; she was just getting too long for them. It was sad to pack them up, but she has so many cute 0-3 month outfits. It has been fun dressing her up this week. Check back soon for more pictures of Aubrey's new wardrobe...I already know what she's wearing tomorrow : )

Monday, January 5, 2009

One Month Well Visit

Today I had my one month well visit. Dr. Coleman thought I looked like a frog because my belly is so big and my hips are so narrow. I weigh 8 lbs. 3.5 oz. now! I also grew a little longer. I'm 22 1/4 inches, which is in the 90th percentile! I got a shot in my thigh while I was there too. Miss Katie was fast, but it still hurt. At least I got a cute band-aid.