Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Meeting More Family & Making New Friends

On Friday I met my Uncle Scott, Auntie Jen, and two of my cousins. They drove up to visit me. My oldest cousin, Shea, said the trip was terrible, and it seemed like it took 10 hours. His brother, Silas, called me "Baby Aubrey". The boys had a lot of energy (almost as much as my dogs). I can't wait to get bigger to play with them! The boys say they have another brother, Soloman. He didn't make the trip, but I'll meet him in February.

Yesterday my mommy and I went to her friend Aubrey's house...yes, she has the same name as me. She is the first friend my mom met in Michigan, and mommy loved her name. Aubrey has a baby girl too. Her name is Lauren, and she was born just two days after me! We had fun playing together. I hope we get to do that again soon!

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