Monday, April 27, 2009

First Cavs Game

The calm before the storm...hanging out in the
Cintas Suite at The Palace.

We took Aubrey to her first Cavs game Sunday. Too bad she and I left before the game ever got started. She threw the biggest tantrum soon after the photo above. Apparently she was tired, but she would not settle down so I just took her home. Oh well!

Rolling Over

Aubrey rolled over for the first time this weekend!

Ta Da!

Yummy Sweet Potatoes

I am attempting to make my own baby food for Aubrey. So far it's very easy, but she doesn't eat much. We'll see how long I can keep this up. She's tried bananas, sweet potatoes, and apples. In the video you can see that she wears more of the food than she eats. We're learning! Today, however, she finished her bowl of cereal with apples, and I think most of it made it into her mouth!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

4 Month Well Visit

Aubrey had her four month well visit with Dr. Coleman on Monday. The doctor said she didn't think she could get any cuter. On Monday she weighed 14 pounds, which is in the 50th percentile. She is 25 inches long, which is in the 75th percentile, and her head is about 41 centimeters, which is in the 50 percentile. Aubrey is so much fun right now! She is definitely a morning person. She wakes up smiling every morning! We have found her tickle spots, and she loves to giggle! Aubrey can also throw quite a tantrum to get her way; she can be very demanding, but she has us wrapped around her little finger. It's amazing how much power a tiny person can have!

Quality Time With Daddy

Can you tell who dressed me today?
Laughing at Daddy!
Tummy time...I'm so close to rolling over!

Trying Something New

We started cereal this week.

Aubrey was not a fan!
She became a little more interested after a few tries,
but most of it still ended up on her face and bib!